5 Good Reasons to Vote Ousmane Sonko
Soon 60 years of a pseudo-independence in the hands of black skins white masks that have enslaved our people, wretched of the earth. Senegal find itself today at a crossroads of a unique opportunity to hold its destiny in its own hands. This presidential election is the moment to make a thoughtful choice about a suitable candidate and along with the popular will to take our country out of the yoke of the same system that has finished subjugating it entirely. In this optic we wanted to share 5 good reasons that should push any sound person animated with patriotic feeling to vote for Ousmane Sonko, the only candidate out of the system, this voracious labyrinth with bottlenecks that strangle us.
1- For a Generational Change of the Senegalese Political Class.
It is imperative for Senegalese people to not make the mistake of re-electing or electing a candidate who will allow the people who, for nearly 60 years have taken the affairs of the country in hostage and have continuously finished emptying his blood. Individuals who do not care about the meaning of values, doctrines or even beliefs and have made transhumance unrestrained their modus operandi, a word once reserved for livestock. It is time for a real generational change in the affairs of the state, all these people must now be part of the past to make room for countless young Senegalese competent and able to hold in their hands the reindeer of this country in all sectors. Thirsty for true values, the people have decided not to be complicit with the corrupt, the renegades, the impostors, the thieves and the traitors.
2- For Raising up the Level of the Political Debate in Senegal
Let’s admit it! the level of the political debate in Senegal has long been comparable to that of the barnyard. Many young people have clearly shown their disgust for politics, having been disillusioned by the insults and invectives that have served as a so-called debate more politically oriented at the grassroots than about real issues concerning the development of the country. Key strategy of the System which acts according to the principle of which one dominates the people more easily by exciting their passions than by taking care of their interests.
With the advent of the Candidate Ousmane Sonko, the level of political debate has clearly been raised up, all the youth who listens to him now talks about the tax system and understand its stakes for the country, we discuss the currency and its impact in our economy True sovereignty is at the topic of the day and every citizen is more than ever vigilant and prepared for the challenges of our world. With two books written by him on the affairs of the city, and a proposal for public debate between candidates, he has, so to speak, without even reaching the supreme magistracy, initiated a real democratic progress which is to raise the level of the crowd towards that of the elite. Tomorrow thousands of Ousmane Sonko will face the system.
3- For having Resurrected the Senegalese Patriotic Fiber.
It is clear that those who govern us do not like this country, have they carried it in their hearts, they would never have harvested it to strangers who, like carrion rush to have their share of the new tricolor cake. A wind of renewed global interest in the country’s business is blowing from east to west and especially in the diaspora thanks to Ousmane Sonko. Thousands of brilliant Senegalese abroad have struggled to see their talents emerge in their country because of a system that has created the framework for their failure. Today they decided to appropriate the term Patriot in order to show their commitment for the development of this country, as a proof many of them came to campaign for him. The examples are palpable everywhere from the ground to the virtual space. It is enough to mention the young people who after the meetings pick up the garbage left by the crowd as an example for ecological and patriotic purpose. The Senegalese of tomorrow will not care about the position he has to occupy in the country, but of the rank which the motherland must attain among the nations.
4- For a new example of transparency and coherence in Senegal.
The politicians of the system are known to rarely backing up their rhetoric with deeds because of the dishonesty that plagues them. Ousmane Sonko initiated the era of true transparency in Politics. Today the party at the head of which he is and which is not his own, is using a crowdfunding system that deserves to be mentioned as an example. Thousands of Senegalese from around the world contribute to support it. Pastef, too, deposits its accounts with the Ministry of Interior as required by law. I doubt that the "traditional" political parties have already satisfied this legal requirement in Senegal. Why should we continue to trust them?
The examples of consistency in the approach of the Candidate Ousmane Sonko fuse from everywhere, among the most significant for us has been his outage of gasoline in the middle of the campaign, he went to refuel itself in a petrol station whose capital is held by Senegalese, certainly small details but with great effect for all knowledgeable observers. Proof that such a candidate, fully consistent in his approach, deserves our vote to put our country on the ramps of development.
5- For a true National Sovereignty.
The challenge of this presidential election is the reappropriation of our national sovereignty because a people without sovereignty is not only a people deprived of freedom, but a people threatened in its existence. The candidate Ousmane Sonko has dared to put his finger in the biggest scourge of the current power in place on sovereignty issues. With Sonko the question of the exit of the CFA Franc is non-negotiable, Senegal must go to the nationalization of our natural resources as well as the construction of our cultural identity rooted in our values and our social realities. This is the path on which he intends to engage Senegalese of all classes to put an end to the degrading attacks perpetrated against the national sovereignty of our country.
Senegalese would benefit in bringing down this system, source of all our ills. Certainly " those who do not see anything great will not generate anything great for Senegal. The dark souls will not be able to free themselves from poverty "to thus paraphrase the words of the great patriot Bouna Alboury Ndiaye.
This presidential election is one way, either we opt for change, or continuity will lead us to a dark future. Whatever candidate we support or whatever side we may be, we must recognize that in Senegal, Ousmane Sonko revolutionized the ways of doing politics, as said Dr. Abdourahmane Diouf, " Sonko is a good news for Senegalese democracy. "
Let’s Vote Useful, Let’s Vote Sonko, Jotna li ñëpp bokk, ñëpp jot ci.
Idrissa Dioum